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Face of a woman with rosacea in her mid-30s grinning

Rosacea treatment with a delicate touch1

EPSOLAY cream bottle to the left with adjacent microencapsulation technology icon and product box on the right
For the first time ever, EPSOLAY cream harnesses the power of benzoyl peroxide (BPO) for sensitive skin1,2

EPSOLAY cream is an exciting, breakthrough topical treatment that's designed specifically for sensitive rosacea skin like yours.1,2

The difference is in how it works

EPSOLAY cream is the first topical treatment to combine BPO with innovative microencapsulation technology to treat the bumps and blemishes of rosacea.1,2

  • WHY BPO?

    The active ingredient in EPSOLAY cream is BPO. It is an effective antibacterial ingredient that has been used in other products to treat skin conditions like acne. Until now, using BPO to treat rosacea might have caused skin irritation, but microencapsulation technology has helped change that.2,3

  • Sphere showing microencapsulation technology close up

    EPSOLAY cream was designed with high-tech microcapsules that control the release of BPO on your skin.1,2


    These microcapsules gradually release BPO to relieve rosacea while remaining tolerable, so you can use it daily, or as prescribed.1,2

Face of a woman with rosacea in her mid-50s grinning with left hand on cheek
See results in as little as 2 weeks2,4

Results may take longer since everyone is different, but some people in our clinical study saw clearer skin within 14 days.2,4 Check out their before and after pictures!

See the difference

*Certain limitations may apply. Click here for program details.

Galderma CAREConnect Patient Savings Program is only available for commercially insured or uninsured patients. Patients who are enrolled in a state or federally government-run or government-sponsored healthcare plan with a pharmacy benefit are not eligible to use the Galderma CareConnect Patient Savings Card. Any claim under the Program must be submitted by participating pharmacies to one of the Administrators of the Program.


Indication: EPSOLAY® (benzoyl peroxide) Cream, 5% is indicated for the treatment of inflammatory lesions of rosacea in adults. Adverse Events: The most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥ 1%) in patients treated with EPSOLAY Cream were pain, erythema (redness), pruritus (itching) and edema (swelling), all at the application site. Warnings/Precautions: Patients using EPSOLAY Cream may experience hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis (acute allergic reaction), angioedema (rapid swelling), and urticaria (hives). If serious hypersensitivity reaction occurs, discontinue use of EPSOLAY Cream immediately and seek medical attention/initiate appropriate therapy. Skin Irritation/contact dermatitis may be experienced, including erythema (redness), scaling, dryness, and stinging/burning. Irritation and contact dermatitis may occur. Use a moisturizer and discontinue EPSOLAY Cream if symptoms do not improve. Avoid application to cuts, abrasions, eczematous, or sunburned skin. EPSOLAY Cream may increase photosensitivity, sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Minimize or avoid exposure to natural or artificial sunlight (tanning beds or UVA/B treatment). Use sunscreen or protective clothing when sun exposure cannot be avoided. Discontinue use of EPSOLAY Cream at the first evidence of sunburn.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088


Indication: EPSOLAY® (benzoyl peroxide) Cream, 5% is indicated for the treatment of inflammatory lesions of rosacea in adults. Adverse Events: The most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥ 1%) in patients treated with EPSOLAY Cream were pain, erythema (redness), pruritus (itching) and edema (swelling), all at the application site. Warnings/Precautions: Patients using EPSOLAY Cream may experience hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis (acute allergic reaction), angioedema (rapid swelling), and urticaria (hives). If serious hypersensitivity reaction occurs, discontinue use of EPSOLAY Cream immediately and seek medical attention/initiate appropriate therapy. Skin Irritation/contact dermatitis may be experienced, including erythema (redness), scaling, dryness, and stinging/burning. Irritation and contact dermatitis may occur. Use a moisturizer and discontinue EPSOLAY Cream if symptoms do not improve. Avoid application to cuts, abrasions, eczematous, or sunburned skin. EPSOLAY Cream may increase photosensitivity, sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Minimize or avoid exposure to natural or artificial sunlight (tanning beds or UVA/B treatment). Use sunscreen or protective clothing when sun exposure cannot be avoided. Discontinue use of EPSOLAY Cream at the first evidence of sunburn.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088

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